domingo, 26 de mayo de 2013

Event description, you have here an example

My sons’ graduation party was on 14th December 2012. The day was really hot but it didn’t rain.
That day I slept a good siesta because I wanted to be relaxed. In the afternoon I worked as usually. When I returned home, I had a shower.  Then I went to the train station where my kids met their classmates. I went back home and dressed up and made up. I was in a hurry. I arrived to Circulo Argentino at 10.30 pm. Later, graduated students arrived. It was really exciting when we danced the waltz. I wore a long dress with black high heels. The upper part of my dress was red silk and the lower one was white, black and red striped flowered pattern. My son Franco wore a black suit , white shirt, red tie and black shoes. He was really handsome. Then we had dinner, it was delicious. Everybody danced, we had great fun. We went home almost at 6.30 am.

I was so happy, my sons finished a stage in their lives, secondary school. 

viernes, 26 de abril de 2013

Hi!!!! Again here! This time to watch a Voki avatar. Your task: do your own, describing a person that you love a lot! Upload your Voki to the forum. I'm waiting you!!! Your teacher

Hello! here you have another activity! Look at this example made using Pixton. You must create your own cartoon explainig how your best friend looks like to a classmate. Upload your task on the forum, see you, your teacher

Dear pupils, here you have a cloud of tags. Order them under different titles, like: hair, eyes, etc ( see the previous activity) and upload your task to the forum. See you, your teacher

Lets Go! Here you have a poster with all the information that you need!!!!!

A new topic: adjectives to describe physical appearance

lunes, 1 de abril de 2013

Este blog fue creado con el fin de ser utilizado con los alumnos de 3ro y 4to año modalidad Economia y 4to modalidad Humanidades del Instituto Santa Catalina de Bolonia Nro 8123, Tartagal, Salta.
El mismo sera apoyo del Aula Virtual y se encontrara dentro del marco del Proyecto Anual de Escritura: El Diario Personal ,de la asignatura Lengua Extranjera: Ingles.
Contenidos o temas:

  • tips para la elaboracion de las tareas asignadas
  • lnks a sitios de interes relacionados con la tematica
  • material adicional que permita lograr mas efectivamente los objetivos educativos
  • videos ( de propia elaboracion o no)
  • historias encadenadas
  • links a juegos educativos interactivos 
  • material de estudio de apoyo para las evaluaciones
  • calendarios, etc
Sera actualizado con una frecuencia quincenal
El docente a cargo sera el administrador
Se trata de un Blog de Aula, donde el docente gestiona el material, poniendo a disposicion del alumnado una variedad de recursos, planteando tareas, etc